Subtle-spiritual correspondence
Path of enlightenment – discovering and igniting one’s light of the soul – joining forces – start into a new age – showing the way to others – uniting strength and gentleness – discovering stumbling blocks and getting rid of them – using gentle feminine energies powerfully – living the feminine side as a man, without feeling weak – giving the children of the new age love and attention – caring for the (spiritual) needs of children
Angel Symbols / Cards are
- put on certain parts of the body or chakras
- in combination with light, used for colouredlight-exposure
- put on the forehead or top of the head during a meditation
- worn directly on the body
- fixed to window panes to harmonize and energize the room
- placed under a drinking glass, a shopping basked / plate with food and massage oils to energize them.
Important Tip
All products are based on the vibratory principle. They are NOT MEDICINES an do not replace doctors or medicines. They serve the harmonisation of the aura and chakras.