Subtle-spiritual correspondence
To rely more on the help of others than on oneself (birth through caesarean section) - To avoid fully engaging in life or entering into a new situation/unable or unwilling to let go (prolonged pregnancy, child is overdue) - Aggression toward oneself or to smother someone with love (the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck) - To wait for help from others or to avoid taking decisive steps (traverse position in the womb) - “Putting one’s head in the sand”, a rebellious attitude, defiance (breech birth) - To confront issues head on/desire to end a difficult situation as quickly as possible (premature labor) - To cut off one’s own or someone else’s livelihood, to be stranded, to tell someone to get lost (premature breaking of waters) (7 handmade original symbols)
Angel Symbols / Cards are
- put on certain parts of the body or chakras
- in combination with light, used for colouredlight-exposure
- put on the forehead or top of the head during a meditation
- worn directly on the body
- fixed to window panes to harmonize and energize the room
- placed under a drinking glass, a shopping basked / plate with food and massage oils to energize them.
Important Tip
All products are based on the vibratory principle. They are NOT MEDICINES an do not replace doctors or medicines. They serve the harmonisation of the aura and chakras.